Pixar in a Box - Storytelling (updating)
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是 Khan 上的合作内容,由 Pixar 制作,发现直接内嵌了 Youtube 的自动翻译,于是兴冲冲查看其他课程,才发现只有 Pixar 的内容才如此,而且还提供了同步字幕显示,做事态度和细致程度可见一斑 ……
除了 Storytelling 以外,还有 12 个课程同时进行,可以在这里查看 12 个课程的简短介绍,我对 Color Science, The Art of Storytelling, Virtual Cameras 三个课程感兴趣
日常生活里,遇到 What happened ? What's next ? 这样的反问,我们的答案其实都是故事。
视频里说怪物公司,“It's not about a monster who scares kids, it's about a man becoming a father.” 这样的设定和诉求,共性的情感,能让观众更容易感知,被触动。
故事需要打磨,Walt Disney or Miyazaki (宫崎骏) 那样的天才可能不需要,在 Pixar 内部是需要的。
- We are all Storytellers
- Character
- Structure
- Visual Language
- Filmmaking grammer
- Storyboarding
We are all Storytellers
Your unique perspective
- How did you begin telling stories ?
- Where do you get your ideas from ?
Find your unique perspective, only you see the world this way.
故事来源于生活,主观体验,主观情绪,只有亲身经历、如实描述才能提取出 touchstone(内核),故事可能不是天然形成的,需要雕琢、打磨,才更容易传达。
Your favorite stories
- What story first pulled you in ?
Some story have special quality, grab you emotionally, engage your mind and pull you in.
Pixar 的员工提到的:主题公园将故事化为真实,美人鱼让她第一次体验到另一个世界的另一种生活,《The Killing Fields》里二十余分钟的沉默,狮子王里父亲死去的场景。
What if...
- What do you like asking "what if" ?
What if 这样的反问,能够关上理性之门,又如一把钥匙,开启 Dream 的篇章,放开想象,哈利波特、冰与火之歌、科幻电影,都是异世界的冒险。
找不到灵感,找不到故事开端的时候,可以用“What if”试试。
World & Character
- What world or character did you love?
- Do you come up with character or world first?
World: the environment, or set of rules
Character: the subjects or individuals we follow on the journey of the story.
Star Wars 讲伦理,Toy Story 讲成长,Raising Arizona 讲家庭,都有一个世界作为外壳,透过角色的演绎,得到情感的共鸣。
可以将 World 和 Character 都作为媒介,用宏观的角度重设世界,还是用微观的角度聚焦人物,可能要看最终的叙述目的吧。
Storytelling advice
- 不要遗弃草稿,那其实是宝贵的探索过程
- 起初不完美很正常,要专注于 initial feeling 进行敲打、琢磨
- 故事出现的时候更像个“概念”(notions),要将它变成可行的办法,然后 keep working
a lot of hard work and it takes trial and error to get that story right you're not making progress, you'll see a stack of drawings or you'll see a bunch of pieces of paper that have your words on them and I mean, that's really impressive because you're making progress, so you gotta keep practicing, it's as simple as that, there's no easy way, and in fact it's really fun if you really enjoy it.
- 170314 Arlmy 创建
- 170316 Arlmy 整理第一讲笔记
本文标题:Pixar in a Box - Storytelling (updating)
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